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作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2019/2/10 9:28:37

其立足于开拓国际物流市场。为了提供更多及方便可靠的服务,其分支代理机构覆盖国际空港和沿海主要口岸,形成了以遍布世界主要城市的货运网点为依托的空、海货运服务网络。海外代理有1500多家。   空运方面:是AF.CA.(法航、国航)优质航线的一级代理商,长期包板大*主打欧洲航线。    香港分公司是BA MP CX LH (英航 马丁 国泰 汉莎)优质航线的一级代理商,长期包板大*主打欧洲航线。  海运方面:代理MSK OOCL PIL 中远 等各大船公司      我们的海外代理全球遍布一千余家:    东南亚:香港、新加坡、吉隆坡、雅加达、汉城、曼谷、台北、东京、大阪、孟买、新德里。    澳洲:悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、奥克兰;    欧洲:伦敦、曼彻斯特、法兰克福、卢森堡、汉堡、杜塞尔多夫、巴黎、罗马、米兰、苏黎世、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、哥本哈根、雅典、马德里、赫尔辛基;    北美洲:洛杉矶、三藩市、纽约、芝加哥、西雅图、迈阿密、休斯顿、温哥华、多伦多;    中东:迪拜、吉达、利雅得、卡拉奇、拉合尔;    非洲:开罗、拉各斯、约翰内斯堡、开普敦更多详情History

Mainfreight began its operations in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1978, soon growing into New Zealand’s most extensive freight network.  A shift in focus, in 1984, saw the opening  of the first Mainfreight International branch.

Investment in Australian operations began in 1989 driven by a desire to treat New Zealand and Australia as a single market.  Mainfreight’s presence in Australia continued to expand through both acquisition and branch proliferation across strategic locations.

Mainfreight became global in 1999 with the acquisition of businesses in both Asia and the United States.  Full ownership of our Asian operations was completed in 2007 and today Mainfreight has several branches operating out of China, and expansion further continued in America with the purchase of Target Logistics Services in 2007.  Mainfreight USA offers extensive services across the supply chain.

In 2011 Mainfreight acquired the business of Wim Bosman Group providing further opportunities to expand Mainfreight's international global network with branches throughout Europe.

The Mainfreight Culture

“Special people, Special company” embodies Mainfreight and its unique culture.  We have developed a style of doing business, successful not only in New Zealand, but around the world.

Mainfreight is built on a 100-year vision. All decisions are made on the basis that we will be here for another 100 years. This view shapes our approach to recruitment and training of team members, customer and supplier relationships, growth strategies and legal and tax structures.

As a customer of a Mainfreight Group company, you can rely on:

An “anything is possible” attitude
A commitment to delivering your freight consignments on time and damage-free - and to promptly and honestly resolve issues when they arise
Improvement in service through reinvestment in people, facilities, equipment and technologies.
We promote our people from within, and encourage innovative, non-hierarchical and decisive outlooks. Our team regard each other as a family and share mealtimes.  At the same time, we are focused on performance — every branch reports weekly results that are available for all team members to see. Individual responsibility and accountability for quality are reinforced. Key performance indicators important to our customers, like error rates, are linked to team members’ bonuses.  All Mainfreight branches have quality boards and are internally audited every six months.

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