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VIENNA (VIE)咨询服务物流货运           ★★★
VIENNA (VIE)咨询服务物流货运
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2020/12/22 8:41:44
在公司发展壮大的7年里,我们始终为客户提供好的产品和技术支持、健全的售后服务,我公司主要经营承办海运、陆运、空运进出口货物、国际展品、私人物品及过境货物的国际运输代理业务,包括:揽货、托运、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱拼装拆箱、结算及交付运杂费、报关、报验、相关的短途运输服务和咨询服务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】,我们有好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,我公司属于上海物流服务公司行业,如果您对我公司的产品服务有兴趣,期待您在线留言或者来电咨询Accept the order 1.
  Orders: the goods to the port, after the handover is based on the contract, invoice, (2) single, fills in the list of imported goods.
  2. Declare
  Declare: transfer the customs broker fills in the list of goods and contracts, invoices, (2) one-way offcial declaration, examination of documents offcial audit and correct, number, signature, and in the annotate on on the "customs visa book" Chinese vehicles.
  3. The checker
  Inspection: the transfer of the customs broker will have to review the list of goods by the Chinese vehicles cross check the offcial visa book, via checking single goods, goods out of the bayonet.
  4. The measurement
  Measurement: transfer the custom officer will check the list of shipment measurement jins, customs officer to register, and inspection catties chop on the listing, the vehicle back to the skin, offcial audit is sealed by the warehouse and annotate the visa book.
  5. Put in storage
  Storage: after cargo measurement personnel to escort to the appointed warehouse by the transition.
  Accept the order 6.
  Orders: the goods delivery charge by the export goods declaration form, the list of export goods and other relevant documents and in the top left corner seal to the list of export goods, entry computer.
  7. To declare
  Declaration: transfer the customs declaration with the export goods declaration form, the list of export goods declared to customs officer examination of documents, the customs officer to review and correct, number, signature, and comments on China vehicle "visa book".
  8. Check the
 Inspection: inspection officer with the list of export goods, China vehicle "visa book" (Russian vehicle with import goods listing the first triple) check goods
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