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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/4/22 9:22:25  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
The main management project has the international marine transportation, the aerial transport, the bulk cargo, the trailer, the declaration newspaper examines, the world other various countries import needs services and so on necessary Shan Zheng.This company mainly cooperates the shipowner to have HUMBURG SUD, CMA, MAERSK, CSAV, CCNI, CSCL, EVERGREEN, KLINE, APL and so on, the companies have long-term also the good strategy cooperation是国内家以陆运方式从中国到越南实现跨境门到门服务的物流公司。注册资金510万元。业务包括业务包括广州、东莞、深圳、中山、珠海、佛山、江门至越南专线、物流、货运、快递。中越两国间的国际路运代理、国际海运代理、国际空运代理、公路货物运输、货物配送、海关监管车辆运输、仓储服务、代理采购、第三方物流方案设计与实施、代理进出口报关、代理报检、代理核销和退税等业务。
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