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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/8/25 9:14:57  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
中转部主要把货物由世界各地经香港后再陆运到大陆各地。 尢其是广东省各区,以及承运各大小货物到珠江三角洲,专营三角贸易。 藉由与香港公司的密切合作,以及与货车之联系,我们会于拖运途中将货柜最新情况告知客户,让您能得知货柜运送的进度及各项信息,以利安排生产排程。
More than 45 years of service to the international Chemical industry
Eight of the world’s top 10 Chemical producers among BDP’s customers
Upstream and downstream visibility through the BDPSmart suite of web applications   
Warehousing where you need it, to the most exacting specifications
Global staff trained in movement and storage of Chemical shipments
Regulatory compliance support in chemical-specific transport modes (Isotanks, drums, IBCs / totes, bulk parcel tanker forwarding)
Safety, security and environmental awareness in the Chemical supply chain
Solutions to meet current and future sustainability goals
Minimizing environmental risk and maximizing safety and performance
Expedited response protocols to mitigate incident impact
Chemical industry relationships and memberships
Responsible Care Management System deployed in Centers of Excellence
Internal controls to expedite business continuity
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