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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/9/11 13:59:25  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



· 散货和包船业务、滚装船业务、特种箱业务

· 代理保险业务、外贸代理、商检/熏蒸

· 集装箱分拨、提货单发放

· 提供门到门运输、DDU/DDP服务 Secondary large object refers to achieve one of the following standards:
1. Length is greater than 20 meters (20 meters) is less than 30 meters;
2.This width is greater than 4.5 m (4.5 m) is less than 5.5 meters;
3. Height is greater than 3.8 m (3.8 m) is less than 4.4 meters;
4. Weight greater than 100 tonnes (100 tons) is less than 200 tons.

♦ Level 3 large object refers to achieve one of the following standards:
1.Length more than 30 meters (30 meters) is less than 40 meters;
2.This width is greater than 5.5 m (5.5 m) is less than 6 m;
3. Height is greater than 4.4 m (4.4 m) is less than 5 meters;
4. Weight greater than 200 tonnes (200 tons) is less than 300 tons.

♦ Level 4 large object refers to achieve one of the following standards:
1.Same length in 40 meters and above;
2.This width in 6 meters and above;
3. 5 m high and above;
4. Weight in 300 tons and above.

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