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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2021/12/11 9:42:28  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

国际物流不错的,是国家外经贸部批准的一级国际货运代理企业,是一家承办海运、空运、海空联运进出口货物的专业化国际运输代理公司。主要提供空运、海运、海空联运、陆运、国际到门DDP\DDU\EXW、报关、报验和相关的国际国内运输服务和咨询业务,具体可以查一下他的官`网。Our Cargo Transportation Services

Backed by more than 30 years of excellence, King Ocean is a Cargo Transportation Services specialized in various types of cargo  containerized and general including, but not limited to raw materials, jewelry and clothing accessories, foodstuffs, refrigerated cargo, vehicles and parts, and construction machinery and building materials.

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